If your car was in an accident and you reset or replaced your airbag module and the airbag light is still on and shows you a trouble code for passenger seat and you cant recalibrate it than this service is for you.
Reset service of malfunctioned ODS sensor. No needs to replace an entire seat, just reset original sensor.
Part numbers:
98321AJ01B, 98321AJ01A, 98321AJ00B, 98226AG04A, 98226FG010, 98321SG021
Fault codes:
- B1650
- 29 ODS Failure
- Occupant Classification System Malfunction
Dealer told you to buy the whole seat because they don’t sell the sensor by itself ?
The ODS sensor is mounted to the bottom of the passenger seat with pop rivets you will need to drill it out and send us the ODS sensor.
Our Airbag module reset service is very easy to use
Add to cart, pay and send the passenger seat occupant sensor with a receipt or order number to:
Hugh S. (verified owner) –